Lab: Addressing Challenges
Course Description
In this 6-week lab, group work is prioritized, and students use the skills they have learned throughout the Master of Health Care Innovation so far—as well as their professional expertise—to investigate, specify, and address a difficult challenge in health care. In small groups, students experience working together to design, refine, and pitch their health care innovation project in one of several high-priority challenge areas. Concurrently, they consider why some innovations may fail, examine health care leaders’ perspectives on why some succeed, and learn techniques for ideation and building an effective business case for an innovative solution.
They will come away from this lab with an understanding of entrepreneurship and:
- Tools for finding and filling market niches in health care.
- Experience navigating the design process as a team.
- A portfolio of deliverables—both team-created and individual—that detail the what, how, and why of a real-world health care innovation.
- Assess market trends, stakeholder needs, and market factors in an area of opportunity.
- Quantify the cost of implementation and return on investment for potential health care solutions.
- Integrate knowledge and skills from MHCI coursework to solve complex problems.
- Collaborate in creating an impactful, high-value program, product, or service.
- Persuade stakeholders, clients, and decision-makers to adopt your innovation.
Course Guests