Step 1:

Choose the program that’s right for you.

Master of Health Care Innovation
Graduate Certificate
Continuing Education
Program Overview Master of Health Care Innovation Graduate Certificate Continuing Education MOOC
Education goal Graduate Degree Graduate Certificate Accredited Training (Credit optional) Lifelong Learning
Duration 20 months or 3 years 4 courses over 2 years 1–5 hours per course 4 hours per course
Format Cohort-based, highly interactive, mostly asynchronous, live faculty sessions Highly interactive, mostly asynchronous, live faculty sessions On-demand and independent On-demand and interactive
Pricing $72,000 approx degree cost* $6,542 per course* Free Free

 *based on 2024-2025 tuition, rates subject to change

Step 2:

Apply or enroll in your preferred program.

Step 3:

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