Nicolaj Siggelkow, PhD
Nicolaj Siggelkow, PhD, is the David M. Knott Professor of Management at the Wharton School and the vice dean of the MBA Program at Wharton. He studied Economics at Stanford University and received a PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University. In 2013, Prof. Siggelkow was elected as a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society.
He has been the recipient of more than 30 MBA and undergraduate excellence in teaching awards, including the Lindback Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest teaching award of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Helen Kardon Moss Anvil Teaching Award, the highest teaching award of Wharton.
His current research is on connected strategy, which is the subject and title of his book with Christian Terwiesch. Nicolaj has been involved in many executive education programs for companies across many industries, including pharma, consumer and industrial products, and financial services. He is also the co-host of the weekly Sirius Radio show “Mastering Innovation.”