Course Description

This course introduces tools and frameworks for identifying health disparities and designing strategies to improve health equity and population health. It examines the history and scope of health disparities, investigates the role of social determinants of health, the development of a health equity framework, and innovative approaches to rectifying inequities. Coursework includes using maps and data to explore the intersection of geography, demographics, and health.

Course Content
  • Definitions of health disparities, health equity, and social determinants of health
  • Tools, including implementation science and the 7 As of Access
  • Examples of advancing equity through health policy and in organizational, community, and clinical settings
  • Advice for doing health equity work in students' roles and professional settings

Introducing Tools for Equity with Kimberly T. Arnold from the course, Advancing Health Equity.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain core concepts related to health equity, including health disparities, social determinants of health, identity, and ADEI.
  • Identify equity challenges, and initiatives to address them, in government, health care organizations, clinical spaces, and community settings.
  • Apply tools and frameworks for advancing health equity, including implementation science, the referee framework, and the 7 As of Access.
  • Advocate for policies and programs that advance health equity in your workplace or field.
Innovation and Leadership Competencies

Throughout your coursework in Health Care Innovation, you will develop competencies in innovation and leadership to advance your work and further your career. For Advancing Health Equity they are:

  • Innovation competencies: strategic learning, analytical thinking, creativity and idea generation, complex problem solving
  • Leadership competencies: communication ability, persuasion, networking, social influence, leadership
Health Equity Applications and Impact

Learn more about studying health equity at Penn and discover real-world applications from alumni of the course.

Health equity and innovation