Jonathan D. Moreno is the David and Lyn Silfen University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is a Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) professor. At Penn he is also Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, of History and Sociology of Science, and of Philosophy. His most recent books are Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Healthcare in America, co-authored with Penn president Amy Gutmann; and The Brain in Context: A Pragmatic Guide to Neuroscience, written with neuroscientist Jay Schulkin.
Dr. Moreno is also a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC, and the author of several books on national security, science, and ethics, including Mind Wars: Brain Science and the Military in the 21st Century and The Body Politic: The Battle Over Science in America. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and is a National Associate of the National Research Council. He has served as a senior staff member for three presidential advisory commissions and as an adviser to many non-governmental organizations. Dr. Moreno is the U.S. member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee.
Moreno received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Washington University in St. Louis, was an Andrew W. Mellon post-doctoral fellow, holds an honorary doctorate from Hofstra University, and is a recipient of the College of William and Mary Law School Benjamin Rush Medal, the Dr. Jean Mayer Award for Global Citizenship from Tufts University, and the Penn Alumni Faculty Award of Merit. He has held the honorary Visiting Professorship in History at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. In 2018 the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.